Category Archives Government

Inspiring Connections. It is very appropriate in Youth Week 2014 that a group in Gippsland, Victoria, the "Gippsland Youth Commitment", has developed an online architecture and business model that is designed to get agencies and organisations to work collaboratively by sharing online resources.. for the sole purpose of improving outcomes for young-people. Yes, there are many such initiatives. What makes this…

The Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) has been published today by The Honourable J. B. Hockey MP Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia and Senator the Honourable Mathias Cormann Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia The Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 requires the Treasurer to publicly release and table a Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) report by the end of January in…

Have you ever dropped a stick in a river and wondered where it might go? For those among us either hydrologically and/or geomorphologically challenged, the new US National Atlas presents "Streamer", another excellent instalment in "Gov 2.0" initiatives. The work of policy-makers, planners, geographers and geographic information experts to visualise the complex inter-relationships between drainage basins, communities and entire nation-wide…

Can a 3D printer cool the Planet?  Stay with me on this.. As we once again hear that the 1990 IPCC Climate modelling for the planet is "on trend" or  "coming true", I ponder the relationship between some of the major policy challenges Australia faces and see opportunity where at present we seem only to be experiencing confusion and much…

Those interested in evidence-based-planning or frankly, any form of rationale decision-making, will find much to interest them in the work of Nate Silver. The Business Insider reports: With Obama being declared the winner by the networks, it looks possible that Nate Silver's map will be perfect, all 50 states called correctly. Not certain yet, but really, an epic followup to 2008.…

Rowan Atkinson's spirited, elegant and appropriately funny defence of free speech and the role of the law when offence and Insult is criminalised. Thanks to @buckingham_j for the link. Links: Reform Section 5 [United Kingdom] Victims of section 5

Are we using data effectively to address inequity in our communities? Do we really know what is going on? Are we able to make confident projections? I think not. This is from a piece I wrote back in 2008 [on a website that is no longer available] and yet I feel the same question is as relevant today as it…

Real-Time Geiger Counter feeds: This map uses crowd-sourced radiation geiger counter readings from across Japan. There are now hundreds of radiation-related feeds from Japan on Pachube, monitoring conditions in realtime and underpinning more than half a dozen incredibly valuable applications built by people around the world. They combine 'official' data, 'unofficial' official data, and, most importantly to us, realtime…
