Category Archives Government

The world education database is designed to offer educators, administrators and schools a single source to locate and disseminate educational material globally. It includes over 220,000 schools in 158 countries, and Ministries and Authorities in 147 countries. Link: World Education Database.

Noel Preston argues there are legitimate concerns about integrity in the public service. Constant reform is needed to provide a context in which public officials can perform their roles not only effectively but ethically as well. So true. Not just QLD.... Link: Absence of ethics in the public service.

While still controversial, National Benchmarking [flawed or otherwise] allows us to begin the exploration of what is most difficult in education... Measuring our impact as educators and making comparisons over time, being able to repeat what works and identify and improve on what is not working. The data is critically important and the time series over the next decade will…

Not sure this will last, as with most things IT & Government related, but looks good.. The Online Council operates as the peak ministerial forum across governments in Australia for consultation and coordination on the information economy. Link: Online Council.
