Category Archives Government

Gov2.0 in the Age. Joshua Gans has an opinion piece in The Age today on Government 2.0. Taskforce needs to loosen grip on hidden public data Joshua Gans, The Age, 6th July 2009 (see also WA Today)  The Government’s tight control of public information is outdated. UNLOCKING the information collection by governments — and deciding what information could be of social value —…

As always, some very useful and timely links from Andrew Leigh. I would be interested in pursuing randomised trials in our Education Sector. Randomising in the UK. In 2003, the UK government started a major randomised evaluation of the Employment Retention and Advancement project (ERA), to test the effectiveness of interventions to improve job retention and advancement prospects for low…

Should we bother trying to save energy?. Not according to the Australia Institute who today came out with a press release on the insulation package, arguing that with the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, it won't reduce emissions.The Government says the scheme will help households save energy and cut carbon emissions by up to 49 million tonnes by 2020. But the…

Building the education revolution. The Government has announced Building the Education Revolution, a $14.7 billion long term investment to improve the quality of facilities, like gymnasiums, libraries and science labs in Australian schools. Prime Minister of Australia, 3 February 2009. Comment: This appears to be a truly massive amount of money, I hope the expertise and coordination is equal to…

World faces last chance to avoid fatal warming: EU. The world faces a final opportunity to agree an adequate global response to climate change at a U.N.-led meeting in Copenhagen in December, the European Union's environment chief said on Friday. [Environmental Health News]

Protecting rural economies in Scotland. Scotland's rural schools can be fundamental to safeguarding small, fragile local economies and the Scottish Government is committed to protecting their often unique place in the community. [eGov monitor - A Policy Dialogue Platform - Education & Skills]

Crisis wipes $115b from Govt revenue. The global financial crisis has slashed a massive $115 billion from Government revenues over the next four years, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has revealed. [ABC News: Breaking Stories]

'Buy American' Rider Sparks Trade Debate . The stimulus bill passed by the House last night contains a controversial provision that would mostly bar foreign steel and iron from the infrastructure projects laid out by the $819 billion economic package. [ - Business]

The Victorian Government has released the Victorian Government Action Plan: Strengthening Community Organisations. A significant outcome is the establishment of the Office for the Community Sector at the Department of Planning and Community Development. It will be responsible for implementing the plan which addresses the streamlining of bureaucratic processes; workforce development in the community sector; and ongoing sustainability for community…
