Category Archives Government

A G M 2006 The Board of Directors of the Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network Inc. [CRLLEN] wishes to advise that its Annual General Meeting for 2006 will be held between 07:00am – 9:30am on Monday May 15th at the beautiful FLOWERDALE ESTATE, on the Broadford-Flowerdale Road, Strath Creek. As was the theme of last year’s meeting,…

All members of the LLEN should note the work of the Victorian Rural and Regional Services Development Committee and the Outer Suburban/Interface Services and Development Committee of the Parliament of Victoria. Over the past year the Central Ranges LLEN has given sworn evidence, made submissions to or assisted other groups to contribute to these three inquiries. On January 19th, 2006,…

School children moving interstate will now be better supported by a nationally agreed system for transferring student information from one school to another. All state and territory education departments and the non-government schools sector have agreed to implement the Interstate Student Data Transfer Note (ISDTN) from January 2006. This national system will enhance the ability of the student's new school…

Where is the LLEN?. Mapping the CRLLEN A handy little tool called 'FRAPPR' and using the power of Google Earth, we have been able to map the location of members of the LLEN and users of our web site. The map opposite shows the distribution of around 40 members of the Central Ranges LLEN. We know we have over 120…

The Year Book is the "flagship" publication of the Australian Bureau of Statistics and provides a comprehensive and detailed annual statistical review about Australia. Included are education and training statistics for each sector and an article on school student's mathematics and science literacy. Link: Year Book Australia 2006 Now Available

Those of us familiar with the changes in the UK under Tony Blairs "Education, Education, Education" world view, will recognise elements of this proposal. This will be something that we should watch very closely. In a profound and challenging move in State Education, Carolin Milburn reports in todays Saturday "Age Online" that some state schools will be closed and their…

A major intitiative in online education 'CensusAtSchool' has now been launched. The program, which will involve students from Years 5 to 12, is free, voluntary and open to all Australian schools. It basically involves students from around the country taking part in their own census. The questionnaire response data will then be released back to teachers and students providing real,…

A report summarising the key factors identified as influencing parents’ decisions to enrol their children at 20 government schools for which there was high demand for enrolments is now available from the Department of Education Science and Training's Web Site. The Age newspaper has also covered the publication of this report in an article today. It can be read here.…
