Tag Archives Education

Richard Teese: THE principals of MacRobertson Girls' School and Melbourne High School have mounted a remarkable defence of their schools as historical champions of meritocratic equity ("Select schools benefit all state students", Opinion, 27/11). Not that that was the point they should have addressed. Which was why have more. But alas, how history deserts those unfaithful to it, who present…

Managers Not MBAs: Debating the Merits of Business Education Ricardo Semler, Henry Mintzberg Most MBAs aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on, suggests Henry Mintzberg. “Management is where art and craft and science meet,” and most MBA programs are simply “training in analytical skills for analytical jobs… like investment banking and consulting.” Whatever you do, don’t confuse an MBA with a…

A report summarising the key factors identified as influencing parents’ decisions to enrol their children at 20 government schools for which there was high demand for enrolments is now available from the Department of Education Science and Training's Web Site. The Age newspaper has also covered the publication of this report in an article today. It can be read here.…

Senior Secondary School Students Perceptions of the World of Work. A new report into the perceptions of work held by senior secondary school students provides a valuable insight into the current skills shortage and youth unemployment rate by uncovering a significant mismatch between student career aspirations and the reality of the labour market. The study of 3,018 year 10, 11…

The world education database is designed to offer educators, administrators and schools a single source to locate and disseminate educational material globally. It includes over 220,000 schools in 158 countries, and Ministries and Authorities in 147 countries. Link: World Education Database.

New research shows that a single, optimistic college adviser can propel legions of low-income high school students to higher education. Thomas described his research Monday at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, in New York City. Thomas is studying the efficacy of policies that seek to make college available in various cultural and socioeconomic…

Shane Green from the Age writes: A new definition of public education may allow non-government schools to operate as public schools. Private schools would be invited into a new-look, broader public education system, under a radical plan being discussed by Victoria's education community. The independent Education Foundation has produced a paper proposing a new definition of public education, allowing non-government…

This NCVER report is about employers and how they value and use qualifications in their business decisions. The research indicates clear differences in the value placed on and use made of qualifications by employers for different groups of workers and occupations. Qualifications are considered more important for higher-level occupations and employers use them predominantly to recruit new employees and to…
