Tag Archives Apple

It was 1965 when Mick Jagger and Keith Richards penned the words to "Get off of my Cloud". I have no doubt that Mat Honan, a senior writer at Gadget Lab shares precisely the same sentiment [although perhaps] for very different reasons. I would encourage all of my clients, friends and colleagues to take a few minutes to read Mat's story...…

LogMeIn's Ignition for iPhone Provides Sleek Remote Access. -Glenn Fleishman LogMeIn is the first service I recommend for those without MobileMe accounts who want to establish remote screen connections to computers under their control. The LogMeIn Free service, available for some time for Mac OS X and much longer for Windows, allows a browser-based session that's better than VNC, Leopard's…

Dave Winer comments on the growth of podcasting and the potential 'googlisation' of the new delivery of content. I am not so sure they should dismiss Apple so readily. I know Adam Curry can produce for audiences but I think Apple has a much bigger plan/strategy.  If I knew what it was, I would be a wealthy man.... Dave says:…
