IPCC Overshoot [2018]

Tomorrow [8th of October] is not just another Monday.

The 48th session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 48) is convening from 1-5 October 2018, in Incheon, Republic of Korea.

Consider the state of current general policy response to a warming planet and those that offer ‘opinion’ or ‘identity’ as a generational policy vector. We should take Hitch’s advice…

What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

– Christopher Hitchens

In 2015 governments adopted the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change and invited the IPCC to prepare a special report in 2018 to assess the impacts and related pathways of warming of 1.5oC.

This is due on the 8th of October.

The Special Report on 1.5°C assesses three main themes:

  • What would be required to limit warming to 1.5°C (mitigation pathways)
  • The impacts of 1.5°C of warming, compared to 2oC and higher
  • Strengthening the global response to climate change; mitigation and adaptation options

Some food for thought on the IPCC process.

  • The process of preparing an IPCC report involves both scientists and government representatives.
  • Ninety-one authors from 40 countries have been involved in the assessment and writing of the Special Report on 1.5 degrees. Chapter teams comprise three Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) and a team of Lead Authors, who are responsible for developing the chapter’s content. Review Editors are respon- sible for ensuring the integrity of the review process.
  • A further 133 Contributing Authors added their expertise to the report.
  • The report has over 6,000 cited references to the scientific literature.

Forthcoming reports

The IPCC Special Report on 1.5oC is due to be released in October 2018, subject to approval. Two other special reports, Climate Change and Land, and the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, will be published in 2019, as will a refinement to the IPCC’s 2006 Guidelines on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The three Working Group contributions to the Sixth Assessment Report will be published in 2021, with a Synthesis Report in 2022.

It will be an interesting exercise to observe global, national and state media.




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