Category Archives Economics

Unemployment drops, but most men want full-time jobs. Official estimates released today show significant levels of under-employment among Australian men working part-time. [ABC News: Business Stories]

Arctic ice to hit all-time low.. University of Colorado at Boulder researchers are now forecasting a 92 percent chance that the 2007 September minimum extent of sea ice across the Arctic region will set an all-time record low. [Environmental Health News]

Spending stimulus. It is commonplace to read in the newspapers and elsewhere that spending more this Christmas is a good thing. The theory is an old one: if I spend $1, that dollar goes into the pockets of some business who pays their employees and suppliers who then spend part of that dollar continuing a virtuous cycle until it peters…

Unemployment rate on upwards trend. The unemployment rate data published this morning shows a not surprising continuing rise in the unemployment rate. The headline rate is 5.2%, up from 4.8% a month ago, and a low of 3.9% last year. It is well to remember that this is still a very low unemployment rate, but the worrying issue is that…

The atlas of ideas: how Asian innovation can benefit us all. The rise of China and India will remake the innovation landscape. US and European pre-eminence in science-based innovation can no longer be taken for granted. Nor can the knowledge jobs that have depended upon it. This report is the first comprehensive account of the rising tide of Asian innovation.…

Howard signals end of Murray-Darling irrigation. Prime Minister John Howard says irrigation water for farmers in the the Murray-Darling Basin will be cut off if there is no significant rain in the next six to eight weeks. [ABC News: Breaking Stories]
