Category Archives Computers

No Hawkers

I remember when just a sign on your door was enough.... SMEs and NFPs take note! Ever had someone knock on your door 4000+ thousand times a day? Source of Hack attempts

Boston Dynamics

  Consider: Atlas "in the wild". “Making Robots” with more advanced robots and human-computer interaction full length discussion can be found here. Links MIT DARPA Challenge Technology [MIT] MITDRC - YouTube

On Technology. The reality is that there is a problem, and the fish have learned. They have been tracked in the world — but we do something to possible change the next genes between a lot of books that we might never read. A computational coding project by Samim. He fed a Recurrent Neural Network with all existing TED Talk Transcripts (1904 speeches…

The telegeography group do some great maps. These two remind us of the very tenuous links that are in fact the basis of all of Australia's modern communication and much of its commerce. A 'new" ancient map As much economic and perhaps cultural connections too. The VOX published a great piece earlier last month relating the modern cables to…

Boston Dynamics

Early last month W I R E D magazine published a piece called: The Creepy Collective Behavior of Boston Dynamics’ New Robot Dog Author NEEL V. PATEL notes the "creepy" part: around the 1:20 mark, when a pair of Spots begin trekking up a hill. Spot Number One starts repeatedly colliding into Spot Number Two—and neither loses balance. After a few seconds and…
