Posts By Me

What if Yahoo had bought UserLand?. In late 2003 we had talks with Yahoo about them acquiring UserLand. The idea was that Yahoo would get into the weblog hosting business, along with customizable River of News aggregators. Not sure why they walked away, but had they done the deal, it seems they might today compete with NewsCorp's MySpace. Google Reader…

4 Generations - The Water Buffalo Story. If you have not already done so, please look at the work of Robert Thompson and his short film, 4 Generations - The Water Buffalo Story. If ever anyone wanted to demonstrate the seemingly insurmountable disparities facing the peoples of the world, and simultaneously provide solutions that are profound lessons of simplicity, 4…

Y this Generation is ready to teach our children. For those who are ready to write off incoming teachers as bubble-headed ne'er-do-wells or ideologically-driven social activists - think again. By (Mercurius Goldstein and John Hughes). [On Line Opinion - Latest Articles]

Unemployment drops, but most men want full-time jobs. Official estimates released today show significant levels of under-employment among Australian men working part-time. [ABC News: Business Stories]

Victoria's plan to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes. Victoria has now released a draft literacy and numeracy plan for community consultation. The paper sets out a ten year vision for the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments to work together to: value good teaching and ensure the best teachers possible in all schools; build a culture of improvement in schools; and direct…
