Monthly Archives November 2014

25 years ago today, Colonel Harald Jäger opened the Bornholmer Strasse checkpoint of the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall ceased to exist by accident. Günter Schabowski, the spokesman for the collapsing German regime, announced a liberalization of the travel regime – people would no longer have to give a reason to leave - in a press conference at 6:53pm on November…

In a time of need for rationale, evidence-based planning when communities and societies appear to be struggling more than ever with the abstract... a bit of fun to remind us of the power and clarity of science. Professor Brian Cox and the Hammer-and-Feather experiment. I most certainly remember the fascination of the Apollo 15 Mission in 1971 and the…

Leadership, Innovation, Ingenuity, Diplomacy Fore-sight and Vision. When is the last time you saw words like that in our daily headlines? Simply the single-biggest policy issue facing us all. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its synthesis report, a summary of its last three reports. It warns greenhouse gas levels are at the highest they have…
