Monthly Archives October 2014

Did you know? Every $1 spent on a child's education yields $10-$15 in economic growth over that person's working lifetime #educationfirst— UNESCO (@UNESCO) July 11, 2013  

Tim Harford wrote a piece in earlier this year, documenting the [not-so-surprising] inaccuracy and just-plain "wrongfulness" of economic forecaster[s] [ing]...... In the 2001 issue of the International Journal of Forecasting, an economist from the International Monetary Fund, Prakash Loungani, published a survey of the accuracy of economic forecasts throughout the 1990s. The record of failure to predict recessions is…

Mapdwell's web-based Solar System platform helps users design at-home solar energy systems: it visualizes the costs and benefits of installing a solar roof by layering information about tax credits and carbon emissions savings onto a topographical map of local roofs, and helps determine the most efficient spots for panels. Links Mapdwell

Gough Whitlam dead: Martyr for a moment, hero for a lifetime— Malcolm Fraser (@MalcolmFraser12) October 20, 2014

If you were playing to win [or perhaps not loose your house], perhaps in a casino, playing a coin-toss game, would you suspect anything was wrong if the coin-toss turned up heads 353 times in a row? What are the chances of that? Would you bet your house on the next throw? July 2014 was the 353rd consecutive month in…
