News Roundup: Google Earth Resume/CV, Google Maps Interface to BMW cars.

[UPDATED 1530: the BMW video shown below is official – see details below]

  • Google Earth Resume/CV – A young man by the name of Ozgur Alaz in Istanbul has used Google Earth to generate a major marketing coup to further his career. He posted a GE file showing some placemarks of relevant locations to his personal and career life with the label: “The First Resume in Google Earth“. His blog post has been picked up in the blogosphere and even some news sites and is showing signs it will get him some major global exposure. You can see his Google Earth resume here . I think he had a great idea, and although I don’t think he is really the first to use GE this way, he is certainly the first to market himself with it. His blog is all about marketing by the way.
  • Google Maps Interface to BMW Cars – Someone has released a very interesting YouTube video which demonstrates a guy using Google Maps to find a location, and then proceeds to E-mail the location to his car. He then jumps in his car and the location is put into his car’s navigation system. Technically, I’m sure you could do the same thing with Google Earth. Not sure yet whether this is real, but the service referred to in the video called “BMW Assist” is a real service for BMW cars. This is real – here is the official Google announcement (and a link to the German version of the video). Here’s the video:

By the way, I think this is an example of a professional YouTube video done as a commercial, but designed for the Internet. I wonder if they will even bother with a television broadcast? [Google Earth Blog]

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