Tag Archives The University of Melbourne


  From the University of Melbourne [@UniMelb] A group of paralysed patients will soon undergo a revolutionary procedure that could allow them to walk with the power of thought. The key to returning mobility is a tiny, matchstick-sized device called a stentrode. It will be implanted into a blood vessel next to the motor cortex, the brain’s control centre –…

The Age newspaper reports: A study in Australia’s eucalypt forests has revealed that levels of carbon and greenhouse gases released in wildfire could be reduced by fuel reduction burning, or planned burns conducted prior to the bushfire season in high risk forests. Funded by the Bushfire CRC, the work was led by researchers at the University of Melbourne and is…

Book - Limits of Growth

[Source: Club of Rome] I was a school student when this first Club of Rome Report was widely heralded. I was in University studying Geography, History, Literature and Politics when I looked closely at its research and findings. I was teaching when the "20 year old" report was critiqued as flawed and plain wrong. As Limits to Growth concluded in 1972:…
