Tag Archives Pathways

Often at this time of year, newspapers report on disappointed year 12 students who have missed out on a place in universities. A study released by ACER included 8000 students evaluates those who were unsuccessful. The study, Unmet Demand? Characteristics and Activities of University Applicants Not Offered a Place, was released by ACER in December 2005 as part of the Longitudinal Surveys…

Senior Secondary School Students Perceptions of the World of Work. A new report into the perceptions of work held by senior secondary school students provides a valuable insight into the current skills shortage and youth unemployment rate by uncovering a significant mismatch between student career aspirations and the reality of the labour market. The study of 3,018 year 10, 11…

The study of 3,018 year 10, 11 and 12 students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, funded by the AMP Foundation and conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) for The Smith Family, found that a majority of students are identifying preferred career paths based on their skills and personal interests with little to no understanding of the availability of…

New research shows that a single, optimistic college adviser can propel legions of low-income high school students to higher education. Thomas described his research Monday at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, in New York City. Thomas is studying the efficacy of policies that seek to make college available in various cultural and socioeconomic…
