Tag Archives Open Data

John Podesta Emails

The MIT Media Lab Macro Connections group, has done some stella work on visualising network associations over their time. You should visit the Global Language Network or the Human Development Index Tree [2010] They build tools to transform data into stories. The Clinton Circle, maps emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the DNC in the United States.. Certainly topical! The data…

The " FBI vs Apple " debate may seem a somewhat esoteric debate to many, but at the very core of this [ no pun intended ] is the basis of free and open societies. No this is not an exaggeration. National Security professionals take note. Law-makers take note. Every phone-owner take note. Recently, Sam Harris, a commentator I greatly admire for…

Duke University - Tree of Life

Duke University [in the US] has announced that a first draft of the “tree of life” for the roughly 2.3 million named species of animals, plants, fungi and microbes -- from platypuses to puffballs -- has been released. A collaborative effort among eleven institutions, the tree depicts the relationships among living things as they diverged from one another over time,…
