Tag Archives Inequality

Max Roser and "Our World in Data" - The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) estimates that in 1990 more than 12 million children died. Most of these deaths were preventable, and arose from illness and poverty. Let’s put this in perspective. Aviation disasters are a form of tragedy that is both relatively uncommon and widely reported. A Boeing 747 can carry up to 620 people. The total number of…

Indian Currency

The team at HowMuch.net  continue their excellent work. The full article can be found here. The Global Finance Magazine recently released an article comparing countries by income across the world for 2015, sourcing data from the World Bank. Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is the final income earned by a country’s residents divided by the total population. Countries are…

In Australia inequality increased – but poor people's incomes grew strongly. Our blog: http://t.co/Hwo0712NlPpic.twitter.com/SGfUc08jTU — Max Roser (@MaxCRoser) August 23, 2015 Links Article - Inequality or living standards? Which matters more? Institute for New Economics


A stunning photographic essay by Alex S. MacLean from the New York Times. The contrast of decay and hopelessness and the first signs of renewal are both graphic and encouraging. One senses a potential for Detroit to be "the-first-of-the-last" and potentially lead the way to newly configured and sustainable urban landscapes. Certainly not yet, but look closely at MacLean's wonderful…

Food for thought.. http://youtu.be/g8mynrRd7Ak   Links: Frans de Waal -  Dutch primatologist and ethologist Google Scholar - Teachers and Performance Pay Google Scholar - Does performance pay for teachers work? Debating the merits of merit pay - Andrew Leigh

At a time when Gender equity is so prominent in much media coverage, both within Australia and across the Globe, it is also sobering to consider the structural challenges faced by girls entering the workforce and adult-hood for the first time here in Victoria. This graph shows Vet is Schools [VETiS] enrolments for Girls as a ratio of the Boys…

Inequality and Growth. Joshua Gans has a new paper out with Dan Andrews and Christopher Jencks, on the relationship between inequality and growth. We reach a finding that is pretty standard in this literature – when we restrict the sample to 1960-2000, more inequality seems to be good for growth. However, if the inequality arises from a transfer from the bottom…

Protecting rural economies in Scotland. Scotland's rural schools can be fundamental to safeguarding small, fragile local economies and the Scottish Government is committed to protecting their often unique place in the community. [eGov monitor - A Policy Dialogue Platform - Education & Skills]
