Tag Archives Growth

The Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) has been published today by The Honourable J. B. Hockey MP Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia and Senator the Honourable Mathias Cormann Minister for Finance of the Commonwealth of Australia The Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 requires the Treasurer to publicly release and table a Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) report by the end of January in…

A fascinating photo-essay in the current The Atlantic, featuring Reuters photographer Carlos Barria's amazing shots, recreating the same framing and perspective as a photograph taken in 1987, showing what a difference 26 years can make in the life of a city. Follow the links to see the full animation on the Reuters website. Links The Atlantic - 26 Years of Growth:…

Inequality and Growth. Joshua Gans has a new paper out with Dan Andrews and Christopher Jencks, on the relationship between inequality and growth. We reach a finding that is pretty standard in this literature – when we restrict the sample to 1960-2000, more inequality seems to be good for growth. However, if the inequality arises from a transfer from the bottom…

From the technium... The diversity of the universe has been increasing since the beginning of time. In its very first seconds the universe contained only quarks, which began to assemble into a variety of sub-atomic particles within minutes. By the end of the first hour, the universe contained dozens of  types of particles but only two elements, hydrogen and helium.…
