Tag Archives Google Maps

New 3D Perspective in Maps API for Flash. Google has released a new "3D" perspective "mode" for Google Maps applications based on Flash. This gives a 3D-like experience to the 2D Google Maps (without the 3D terrain or 3D models from the Google Earth API). You can tilt and rotate the map and "fly" around Google Maps. One advantage to…

Announcing the new Google Local Business Center Dashboard. As a Google Analytics user, chances are you know the value of good data on traffic to your website. More data means you can make better-informed decisions about how to drive traffic to your site and to your brick-and-mortar locations. But your website is just a part of your entire web presence.…

Interact: Watch 24 Brilliant Hours of U.S. Flights. Artist Aaron Koblin layers flight patterns on a Google map representing air traffic across the United States over a 24-hour period. The map illustrates flight paths using color and animation for all the aircraft the FAA tracked on August 12, 2008. [Wired Top Stories]
