Tag Archives Global Warming

Oil drying up as world remains unaware.. On top of the other problems plaguing the world, such as global warming and the current financial meltdown, there’s a third pressing issue that threatens to bring the good life to an end: The world is fast running out of oil. [Environmental Health News]

Peter McMahon, writing in the On line Opinion presents an intriguing position that... The radical impact of new information technologies and the rise of the global crises (global warming, peak oil and the like) are forcing a new kind of politics into being. He suggests [as many of us would agree] that twenty-first century society will be defined by the…

MIT and Energy for a rapidly evolving world. “The numbers are overwhelming,” Henry Jacoby tells us in his overview of the final forum panel. The U.S. consumes one-quarter of the world’s energy and emits one-quarter of the world’s carbon dioxide. The combined population of India and China is nine times that of the U.S., so what will happen as they approach our…
