Tag Archives Climate

The latest research from the Climate Council. A reasoned and evidence-led discussion about the policy and social implications of our climate is critical.  The Climate Council has released their first report. The report states: While Australia has always experienced bushfires, climate change is increasing the probability of extreme fire weather days. Climate change is making hot days hotter, and heatwaves…

In July of this year, four of Australia's senior meteorologists, David Jones [Head of Climate Monitoring and Prediction Services] , Blair Trewin [Climatologist, National Climate Centre ], Karl Braganza [Manager, Climate Monitoring Section] and Rob Smalley [Climatologist] co-authored an article for "The Conversation" highlighting 2013 as potentially one of the "hottest" on record. Warming and its associated effects is clearly the single most significant public…

When the average nightly minimum temperature exceeds the average daily maximum temperature for an extended period of time, things look "different". Forty-five trees along my driveway all decided it was Spring this week and proceeded to flower, six months too early!

What a show. Respectfully fearful, but simultaneously appreciative. A real lightning show! Update: 20mm of welcome rain! And a quick movie!! Your browser does not support the video tag

The odyssey continues. It is four years since the fires that began on February 7th 2009. This is a personal [but public] journal entry to mark the day. We have yet to settle in a new home although we are [finally] very close. We have had five homes [accommodation] in this four year period. I still marvel at the fact…

The greatest policy challenge of our (or anyone's) lifetime. Australia recently experienced its hottest day since records began a century ago. The national temperature is the average of hundreds of daily readings across the country and it hit 40.3 degrees. Australia's first six days of 2013 were all among the hottest 20 days on record in terms of average maximums…

Can a 3D printer cool the Planet?  Stay with me on this.. As we once again hear that the 1990 IPCC Climate modelling for the planet is "on trend" or  "coming true", I ponder the relationship between some of the major policy challenges Australia faces and see opportunity where at present we seem only to be experiencing confusion and much…

The next time some-one, particularly a Politician, suggests climate anomalies and surface warming is not a [the] critical policy challenge of our time, ask them if they would bet their house or their life on tossing a coin 330 times and getting the same result? The average global temperature across land and oceans during August 2012 was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above…

Google has posted an interesting [and fun] run-down of the energy pathway of an email through a well crafted online animation/cartoon. The environmental impact on growing data centres is very real and the question of sustainability is a strategic and governance challenge that cannot be ignored. The context of the current debate about carbon-pricing and mechanisms for capture and/or attenuation…
