Category Archives Maps & Data Visualisation

Interact: Watch 24 Brilliant Hours of U.S. Flights. Artist Aaron Koblin layers flight patterns on a Google map representing air traffic across the United States over a 24-hour period. The map illustrates flight paths using color and animation for all the aircraft the FAA tracked on August 12, 2008. [Wired Top Stories]

McKinsey maps the world's innovation clusters How innovative is your city? McKinsey Digital has released a new innovation study of the world's leading cities, grouping them into one of four different categories -- "hot springs," "dynamic oceans," "silent lakes," and "shrinking pools." The most innovative cities are "dynamic oceans," while the "hot springs" are the types of cities with a lot…

I remember when a Pilot named Gary Powers became world news, along with his very very very secretive spy-plane. Now in 2009, we can just spot a spy plane from our home computer.... Bill Sometimes the satellite images Google acquires happen to capture some really unique sight. This one is really awesome for those of us who try to find…

Maps of Knowledge. Previous maps of the relationship between branches of modern science were done by mapping the citations among journal articles. These citations are footnotes referencing previous articles on the same or related subjects. Citations are the equivalent links in a posting. They take you to the source. Citation indexes tally these links by subject. Mapping software can display…

Crisis in Darfur - The Google Effect. The new Crisis in Darfur layer, which was pushed out into Google Earth on Monday night (as first reported here), was formally announced on Tuesday in Washington, DC by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and Google. Google has featured this layer as a new default layer (turned on when you first bring up…

100% Pure New Zealand Layer in Google Earth. Buried in the new layers added to Google Earth on Monday, was a new sub-layer found under the Travel and Tourism layer. The new layer is the first example of a country getting a built-in GE layer celebrating the travel and tourist spots in Google Earth. The "100% Pure New Zealand" layer…

Innovative Ways of Seeing: The Art of Social Data From In the current issue of Contagious Magazine (subscription required), Noah Brier and Faris Yakob of Naked Communications have prepared a tour de force article about the new age of social (meta)data. Data is no longer just boring old data -- it is now a wonderfully fluid and shareable construct that is open to…

Super Mapping Mashup -> Globe Glider Next Generation. Google Earth Blog Exclusive: The new Globe Glider has finally been released. Globe Glider first came out over a year ago and allowed you to tie a Google Map to Google Earth in an integrated fashion. The new Globe Glider goes much further than last year's version. Now, not only can you…

Yahoo! Pipes Supports KML. Yahoo! has just announced they are now supporting interactive Yahoo! Maps and, even more significantly (IMHO), Google Earth's KML format. This means you can use the powerful Pipes graphical interface to create complex queries of various web sites and, if the query includes geospatial information, you can generate a map viewable in Google Earth (or other…
