Category Archives Google Earth and Maps

We are not alone on public data. I have lamented before the apparent lack of publicly released data in Australia for use in, say, Google Transit and similar services. Well, it turns out we are not alone. In Washington DC, talks have broken down between Google and the authorities. So the public data will not be so public. It seems,…

News Roundup: Flight Sim Tips, Clouds and Weather, KML 2.2, Google Solar Panels, Pollution. Flight Sim Tips - If you're looking for starting tips for the new flight simulator in Google Earth, check out my flight sim basic tips post. Also, at the bottom of the HUD guide post, there is a note about an advanced tip describing how to…

Alps Ski Information Layer in Google Earth. Over the weekend (I think) Google released a new layer under the Gallery->Travel & Tourism layer folder called "Ski Resorts in the Alps". The new layer was done by BergFex which provides ski information and reservation services. The new layer contains maps, current ski/snow conditions, and links to further descriptions, prices, lodging, and…
