Category Archives History

Wilfred Owen

Now, more than ever, Education. So many emotions surround the senseless and barbaric acts that occurred in Paris this week. The tragic loss of life is simply unforgivable. There appears no defence against those secured in their delusional certainty by theocracy. As talk of further conflict escalates, one further example of the collateral [and more subtle] damage is closer to…

Master Recordings of Hirohito Speech

Exactly 70 Years ago today, at 12 Noon on August 15th 1945, a recording of Emperor Hirohito [made the previous day] was broadcast to the Japanese people.     This was an imperial command—known as the Voice of the Crane, since the sacred bird could be heard even when it flew unseen. For most Japanese, it was the first time…

25 years ago today, Colonel Harald Jäger opened the Bornholmer Strasse checkpoint of the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall ceased to exist by accident. Günter Schabowski, the spokesman for the collapsing German regime, announced a liberalization of the travel regime – people would no longer have to give a reason to leave - in a press conference at 6:53pm on November…

Vale Nelson Mandela. A giant of the 20th Century. "A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” "I cherish my own freedom dearly, but I care even more for your freedom"

The National Film and Sound Archive have released some gems! For those of us who can remember! Link: National Film and Sound Archive
