Category Archives Education

What is school for?   Seth Godin Seems like a simple question, but given how much time and money we spend on it, it has a wide range of answers, many unexplored, some contradictory. I have a few thoughts about education, how we use it to market ourselves and compete, and I realized that without a common place to start,…

You matter When you love the work you do and the people you do it with, you matter. When you are so gracious and generous and aware that you think of other people before yourself, you matter. When you leave the world a better place than you found it, you matter. When you continue to raise the bar on what…

Staying at School Ain’t Silly. Andrew Leigh - Nicholas Gruen draws my attention to a piece on school completion by CIS researcher Peter Saunders (based on a longer paper here) [Broken Link - see below], who argues: Three-quarters of students currently stay to year 12, and most of them benefit from higher earnings and better job prospects as a result.…

More Australians seeking qualifications. More Australians have been seeking higher educational qualifications, with the largest increase being in Bachelor Degrees, according to figures recently released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Nearly 2.5 million people (18% of all Australians aged 15-64) were enrolled in a course of study as at May 2007. The proportion with a non-school qualification (such as…

Structurally, this has been coming for a while and I can see some value in this if it is done correctly. There are dangers however, most notably in setting a price hurdle that will stop many from undertaking the very skills path they need because the risk/reward equation of deferred loans in this sector will be based on a lower…

If ever there was essential reading for every teacher and every teacher-educator, the work of Professor John Hattie from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, would be at the top of my reading list. The clarity and focus of such an extensive, system-wide meta-study that focusses on the EFFECTs of what teachers, schools and education systems DO is very compelling.…

91.2% of Class Time in Their Seats. USA Today is reporting on a new comprehensive study of elementary school classrooms that is being published in this week’s Science magazine. Aside from not being overly engaged, the study of over 2,500 classrooms showed that “The typical child in the USA stands only a one-in-14 chance of having a consistently rich, supportive…

the future of the organisation lies in working with local corporations to create unique training courses.

Head of TAFE Tasmania