Category Archives Economics – Innovation

Tesla Semi

The announcement by Elon Musk of his proposed electric semi-truck and new roadster almost broke the internet last week. Perhaps missed in the hype, cheering and very loud music accompanying a very, very, very fast red car, was a small, but potentially profound announcement about the truck "mega-chargers" and the flat-priced provision for charging these trucks. Innovations in this sector…

A new report, released in September of this year, conducted jointly by Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC), Arthur D. Little and Chalmers University of Technology in 33 OECD countries, quantifies the isolated impact of broadband speed, showing that doubling the broadband speed for an economy increases GDP by 0.3%. A 0.3 percent GDP growth in the OECD region is equivalent to USD 126…

This is re-produced from Andrew Leigh's WebSite. Among the most interesting debates in economics today is the dispute between Jeffrey Sachs and William Easterly over how best to help the world’s poor. The discussion is interesting not only because it concerns the most important question in all of economics, but also because Sachs and Easterly happen to be exceptionally good…

A very interesting discussion on ABC radio regarding new models of infrastructure funding and the sustainability of the programmes. Macquarie Bank's bosses have made millions by buying and running toll roads and airports and it's the world's biggest name in infrastructure. But there are questions about whether its pioneering model for financing these assets is sustainable. Investor groups are shunning…
