Monthly Archives September 2013

The National Film and Sound Archive have released some gems! For those of us who can remember! Link: National Film and Sound Archive

Just another addition in a series of stunning images of Earth. This was produced by Knate Myers using footage from the International Space Station.

Yes. 7 Billion people represented on one web-page. The exact size of the page you see depends on the screen resolution on your computer/device, but the page is almost 1 mile (1.6 Km) high and 800 feet (250 m) wide. Have a look and ponder.  

Yes, a spectacularly interesting concept, I have become pre-order 2503.... Nymi uses your unique cardiac rhythm [ECG] to authenticate your identity, allowing  wireless control of computers, smartphones, car entry and a myriad of other applications. Nymi is from the Canadian-based [Toronto] Bionym. Those working with or interested in authentication, security, wearable identity technology or simply "Jetson's" technology, will be interested…

For those living and working in rural areas, the importance of providing genuine pathways to skilled employment for local populations, particularly young-people, is paramount. We understand in great detail, the challenges of ageing rural populations and structural adjustments. This is more than just a "microcosm" of the challenges facing our national economy. Working in the field of skills development, labour…

Just stunning images, with a story - Change. Watching a glacier in Columbia recede, or the systematic cultivation/de-forestation of the Amazon or even the growth of Melbourne is, at the very least fascinating. From Time Magazine's "Time Lapse" project: Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. Rockets fly in one direction: up.…

In July of this year, four of Australia's senior meteorologists, David Jones [Head of Climate Monitoring and Prediction Services] , Blair Trewin [Climatologist, National Climate Centre ], Karl Braganza [Manager, Climate Monitoring Section] and Rob Smalley [Climatologist] co-authored an article for "The Conversation" highlighting 2013 as potentially one of the "hottest" on record. Warming and its associated effects is clearly the single most significant public…
