Tag Archives IT Policy

Can a 3D printer cool the Planet?  Stay with me on this.. As we once again hear that the 1990 IPCC Climate modelling for the planet is "on trend" or  "coming true", I ponder the relationship between some of the major policy challenges Australia faces and see opportunity where at present we seem only to be experiencing confusion and much…

Learning in an online world: the school education action plan for the information economy Progress report 2004 was published by Ministerial Council for Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA). This progress report provides a national overview and a summary of key achievements in the development of infrastructure in each jurisdiction and highlights progress in the key action areas of…

Not sure this will last, as with most things IT & Government related, but looks good.. The Online Council operates as the peak ministerial forum across governments in Australia for consultation and coordination on the information economy. Link: Online Council.
