Tag Archives Environment


Its not a long time, twenty-five years. ESRI [ @Esri ] has produced some excellent comparative analyses of Human activities that are reshaping the Earth's surface using 1990 Landsat imagery [left] and Esri’s World Imagery basemap [right] Links LandSat Comparison - Story Map ESRI Story Maps LandSat

In the week that we noted the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, I can't say I ever imagined I would find myself combining the thoughts of Papa Francesco [the Catholic Pope] in his second encyclical letter [LAUDATO SI’] and the assessment of "Mordy Pressing" - Australian Immigration Policy Interpreter and his views on the new sliding scale of ethics. Yet here…

"I want to see the sea." Just 10% of the Aral Sea remains http://t.co/x4f7bMzMlm #BBCRicherWorld pic.twitter.com/pNxdT3zSeK — BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) February 28, 2015

Reflection begins. This is another personal [but public] journal entry to mark the day. Five years after "Black Saturday" we have a house that we plan to be in the following Christmas. I am not sure I fully appreciated the importance of walls and roof until the permanence of those walls and roof were questioned. We moved in to our…

Just stunning images, with a story - Change. Watching a glacier in Columbia recede, or the systematic cultivation/de-forestation of the Amazon or even the growth of Melbourne is, at the very least fascinating. From Time Magazine's "Time Lapse" project: Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. Rockets fly in one direction: up.…

Have you ever dropped a stick in a river and wondered where it might go? For those among us either hydrologically and/or geomorphologically challenged, the new US National Atlas presents "Streamer", another excellent instalment in "Gov 2.0" initiatives. The work of policy-makers, planners, geographers and geographic information experts to visualise the complex inter-relationships between drainage basins, communities and entire nation-wide…

This is most definitely one to file under " I learnt something new today"! Brinicles in Antarctica From: Wired Science 7th May 2013 It’s rare these days to uncover a phenomenon completely new to science, one that expands the world’s catalog of objects in strange and wondrous ways.  But just as it’s happened in the past few years with uncontacted…

The odyssey continues. It is four years since the fires that began on February 7th 2009. This is a personal [but public] journal entry to mark the day. We have yet to settle in a new home although we are [finally] very close. We have had five homes [accommodation] in this four year period. I still marvel at the fact…
