Tag Archives Employment

I think that there’s a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation. I’m not sure what else one would do?

Elon Musk

Certainly a growing and contentious policy debate on the role and purpose of autonomous robots in the "workplace". The potential of existential challenges to what we understand the "middle-class" to be [ in the context of a 20th Century definition of a  "labour-force], coupled with genuine and profound advances in autonomous and now artificial intelligence, gives one a moment [at…

Variations on a theme: Some great work from Amanda Cox at the New York Times looking at US Labour Markets: At every age, the chances of not working have changed in the last 15 years. Teenagers are far more likely not to work. Older people are retiring later and working more. In the ages in between — the periods of…

Can a 3D printer cool the Planet?  Stay with me on this.. As we once again hear that the 1990 IPCC Climate modelling for the planet is "on trend" or  "coming true", I ponder the relationship between some of the major policy challenges Australia faces and see opportunity where at present we seem only to be experiencing confusion and much…

A recent tweet from the NTEU ACT Division (@NTEUACT) Australia has 2nd highest level of insecure work in OECD - after Spain. We know that we are approaching 40% of the workforce undertaking insecure work. *Source: Lives on Hold - Unlocking the potential of Australia's workforce. We also hear much about "skills shortages" and the need for "flexibility", yet the…

The number of people employed in Queensland's mining industry is increasing at a rapid rate. Link: Job numbers soar in Qld's mining industry: ABS. [Source: ABC News: Business Stories]

This NCVER report is about employers and how they value and use qualifications in their business decisions. The research indicates clear differences in the value placed on and use made of qualifications by employers for different groups of workers and occupations. Qualifications are considered more important for higher-level occupations and employers use them predominantly to recruit new employees and to…
