Tag Archives Climate Change

In the week that we noted the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, I can't say I ever imagined I would find myself combining the thoughts of Papa Francesco [the Catholic Pope] in his second encyclical letter [LAUDATO SI’] and the assessment of "Mordy Pressing" - Australian Immigration Policy Interpreter and his views on the new sliding scale of ethics. Yet here…

A Handy Fusion Reactor

The phrase "Stranded Assets" will occupy many policy briefings over the weeks, months and years ahead. The Geo-political implications of current energy investment are increasingly main stream, if not fundamental policy vectors. The early months of 2015 have seen significant momentum-shift in the market-drivers for genuine energy policy reform, if not profound/total re-think. Increasing evidence of large fund divestments here, here,…

"I want to see the sea." Just 10% of the Aral Sea remains http://t.co/x4f7bMzMlm #BBCRicherWorld pic.twitter.com/pNxdT3zSeK — BBC World Service (@bbcworldservice) February 28, 2015


I'm with Richard. What IS and REMAINS the single largest policy-challenge of our era, as I have pointed out here, here, here, here here, there and there... Professor Rood.. Each month, the US National Climatic Data Center calculates Earth’s average surface temperature using temperature measurements that cover the Earth’s surface. Then, another average is calculated for each month of the…

How can you have a glacier visitor center without a glacier? RT @ClimateReality: How can you have a glacier visitor center without a glacier? http://t.co/V5jToq92rW pic.twitter.com/iR0LfDkh2S — Yale Climate Project (@YaleClimateComm) January 15, 2015 Links A Century of Retreat at Portage Glacier, South-Central Alaska [US. Geological Survey] USGS Fact Sheet [USGS - PDF 500KB ] Yale Climate Connections

Australia - Mean Temperature Deciles

Data collected and analysed by the Bureau of Meteorology show that 2014 was Australia's third-warmest year on record while rainfall was near average nationally. Nationally, Australian temperatures have warmed approximately one degree since 1950, and the continued warmth in 2014 adds to this long-term warming trend. Simply the single most pressing and present public policy issue of our time. Yes,…

Scorcher.org.au tracks and maps Australian Heat-waves. Produced by  Dr Sarah Perkins at the University of New South Wales [ a recipient of an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - could there be a better use of taxpayer's funds?] I doubt it! Support for this site is provided by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science and the NeCTAR Research Cloud. All data is freely available and…

Leadership, Innovation, Ingenuity, Diplomacy Fore-sight and Vision. When is the last time you saw words like that in our daily headlines? Simply the single-biggest policy issue facing us all. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its synthesis report, a summary of its last three reports. It warns greenhouse gas levels are at the highest they have…

If you were playing to win [or perhaps not loose your house], perhaps in a casino, playing a coin-toss game, would you suspect anything was wrong if the coin-toss turned up heads 353 times in a row? What are the chances of that? Would you bet your house on the next throw? July 2014 was the 353rd consecutive month in…
