Category Archives Gov2.0

Australian Political Donations

Simply Outstanding Work. Australian donations to political parties visualised. Look closely at the starting state of the visualisation. Do they look like lungs to you? Of course, the phrase "tip-of-the-iceberg" comes to mind. The Political Donations visualisation website takes publically available data from the AEC and presents it in a graphical view to make visual analysis of the donations…

Office Lights - Is anybody home?

The Victorian Auditor- General has published the interim report examining strategies for delivering services online via digital devices. Phase one of this audit specifically reviewed the Victorian Government ICT Governance Framework and the delivery of the Victorian Government Digital Strategy (Digital Strategy). Phase two of this audit will be tabled at a later date and will examine service delivery implementation and monitoring and evaluation of service…

Inspiring Connections. It is very appropriate in Youth Week 2014 that a group in Gippsland, Victoria, the "Gippsland Youth Commitment", has developed an online architecture and business model that is designed to get agencies and organisations to work collaboratively by sharing online resources.. for the sole purpose of improving outcomes for young-people. Yes, there are many such initiatives. What makes this…

Have you ever dropped a stick in a river and wondered where it might go? For those among us either hydrologically and/or geomorphologically challenged, the new US National Atlas presents "Streamer", another excellent instalment in "Gov 2.0" initiatives. The work of policy-makers, planners, geographers and geographic information experts to visualise the complex inter-relationships between drainage basins, communities and entire nation-wide…

Are we using data effectively to address inequity in our communities? Do we really know what is going on? Are we able to make confident projections? I think not. This is from a piece I wrote back in 2008 [on a website that is no longer available] and yet I feel the same question is as relevant today as it…

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has put together another engaging interactive that personalises the 2006 Australian Census data for the user in an interesting and very visual way. [The 2011 Census in Australia was just completed in August ] The site is called "Spotlight" and takes some of the data from the last Census [2006] and shows just a few…

Local Government first to 2.0. In Australia, Government 2.0 is being pursued at a national level. However, in the US, some big cities have moved first. Here is an article about New York City’s initiatives and here is another about Boston’s moves [HT: Darren Challis] Early days yet but very interesting. [Core Economics]

Gov2.0 in the Age. Joshua Gans has an opinion piece in The Age today on Government 2.0. Taskforce needs to loosen grip on hidden public data Joshua Gans, The Age, 6th July 2009 (see also WA Today)  The Government’s tight control of public information is outdated. UNLOCKING the information collection by governments — and deciding what information could be of social value —…

School children moving interstate will now be better supported by a nationally agreed system for transferring student information from one school to another. All state and territory education departments and the non-government schools sector have agreed to implement the Interstate Student Data Transfer Note (ISDTN) from January 2006. This national system will enhance the ability of the student's new school…
