Category Archives Education – Higher Ed

More Australians seeking qualifications. More Australians have been seeking higher educational qualifications, with the largest increase being in Bachelor Degrees, according to figures recently released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Nearly 2.5 million people (18% of all Australians aged 15-64) were enrolled in a course of study as at May 2007. The proportion with a non-school qualification (such as…

An extra 4600 Australian students will undertake tertiary study next year, with more than half of the new places created in medical and teaching courses. Victoria is the largest beneficiary of the extra funding, securing 1326 new places, under a Federal Government plan to increase the number of university places. NSW universities are next, with 1307 extra students. Federal Education…

Often at this time of year, newspapers report on disappointed year 12 students who have missed out on a place in universities. A study released by ACER included 8000 students evaluates those who were unsuccessful. The study, Unmet Demand? Characteristics and Activities of University Applicants Not Offered a Place, was released by ACER in December 2005 as part of the Longitudinal Surveys…

New research shows that a single, optimistic college adviser can propel legions of low-income high school students to higher education. Thomas described his research Monday at the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, in New York City. Thomas is studying the efficacy of policies that seek to make college available in various cultural and socioeconomic…
