Monthly Archives June 2015

On Technology. The reality is that there is a problem, and the fish have learned. They have been tracked in the world — but we do something to possible change the next genes between a lot of books that we might never read. A computational coding project by Samim. He fed a Recurrent Neural Network with all existing TED Talk Transcripts (1904 speeches…

In the week that we noted the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, I can't say I ever imagined I would find myself combining the thoughts of Papa Francesco [the Catholic Pope] in his second encyclical letter [LAUDATO SI’] and the assessment of "Mordy Pressing" - Australian Immigration Policy Interpreter and his views on the new sliding scale of ethics. Yet here…

Magna Carta

A timely reminder - The King is subject to the law. 'to no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice’ An affirmation that authority should be subject to law arising from the community itself, Magna Carta is a foundation stone of constitutional and parliamentary government. Let's hope the Foundation for Liberty is correct when…

Office Lights - Is anybody home?

The Victorian Auditor- General has published the interim report examining strategies for delivering services online via digital devices. Phase one of this audit specifically reviewed the Victorian Government ICT Governance Framework and the delivery of the Victorian Government Digital Strategy (Digital Strategy). Phase two of this audit will be tabled at a later date and will examine service delivery implementation and monitoring and evaluation of service…
