Those interested in the public policy [and community] issues of rural and regional Australia will be interested in the excellent work of the Regional Australia Institute.

From their site:

We run a tightly focused research agenda, improving the quality of and access to knowledge on how we can ensure the prosperity and sustainability of Australia’s regions, and our nation as a whole.

Of note, is their work on a visualisation tool called “insight”.

Regional Australia Institute
Insight – Regional Australia Institute

The tool allows users to make comparative analyses of Regional Development Areas [RDA’s] or Local Government Areas [LGA’s]

It is an online index and interactive map that tracks the competitiveness of Australia’s 560 Local LGA’s and 55 RDA regions.

It is modelled on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, [In]Sight was developed in collaboration with Deloitte Access Economics and combines data from sources including the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Social Health Atlas of Australia.

[In]Sight spans ten themes and 59 indicators specifically tailored to reflect the fundamentals of sustainable growth in Australia, capturing the competitiveness of LGA’s and RDA’s according to current economic performance and drivers of future success.



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