Monthly Archives March 2012

Confessions of a "non-facebooker".. or.. why the cost of admission is too steep! If you're not paying for something, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold. - Andrew Lewis My colleague stood genuinely "stunned" for a few seconds while they tried to process the fact I was not on Facebook, had never used Facebook and clearly had no…

Sometimes, the big picture gets lost in the day to day. Watch the video below KONY 2012 Thanks to @stephenfry and many others for raising awareness. To follow up, follow this link to the Invisible Children site on Amazon S3.

Yes, a lame play on words, but still, the Gonski report - [Australian Government review of Funding for Schooling] could be considered a new "Aussie Pizza". Lot's of toppings, everyone has their own unique version, everyone would recognise one if they saw it, but no-one is sure that they can agree on what the "real" aussie pizza is. Of course,…
