New Paradigm of the Learning Process in era of Globalisation

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have effectively revolutionized our society. In the era of globalisation, technology has dramatically penetrated into every area of society and, every aspect of social and cultural lives. But, teaching, and the world of education more generally have not taken the advantage of these changes. We have largely failed to capitalize on the potential of new technologies, and particularly digital technology as a learning tool

Learning is based on a strength model of student abilities, interest, and culture. Based on the work of Howard Gardner and others, schools are beginning to consider the specific strengths and interests that students bring to the learning environment, and are designing learning activities that build on student strengths rather than focusing only upon remediating weaknesses. In addition, schools increasingly recognize diversity as a resource rather than a problem in the classroom.

[ Source: Nilay Ranjan- OneWorld South Asia ]

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