New arrangements, new options..

Dr Dahle Suggett, Deputy Secretary of the Office of Learning and Teaching, Department of Education and Training presented a paper to the Victorian TAFE Association Council on 24 August 2006. The VTA is Victoria’s peak employer body for the public providers of TAFE in Victoria. We have as our members all of Victoria’s TAFE Institutes and four Victorian Multi-sector Universities.

The title of the paper was:

New OptionsPost-compulsory provision for young people: New arrangements, new options.

The discussion summarises the drivers of policy in this area, highlights the key data around the importance of youth transitions, suggests a framework for understanding the strategies in place in Victoria and internationally and proposes possible scenarios for future provision in post compulsory education and training.

Dr. Suggett states:

In some ways, post compulsory education and training in Victoria is at a crossroads. There is a set of new initiatives that have the potential to significantly reconfigure current structures of provision. The youth guarantee is perhaps the most far reaching of these, but the development of TECs, the Commonwealth’s simultaneous pursuit of Australian Technical Colleges and the continued pressures for schools to specialise and tailor provision to their local communities are all having an impact. Many of these changes open up the sector to market forces, and the responses of the various players in the market to them will largely determine the future shape of provision.


For full details and downloads of the paper and presentation, please follow this link.

[Central Ranges LLEN News]

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