Monthly Archives April 2005

[Archive from 2005] Area and place-based planning is critical for the future welfare of *all* young people making the  transition from School to work and further study. School Councils and other governing bodies play a key rule in developing new structures to support entire communities education and employment outcomes. On Tuesday night the 26th of April [2005], almost 60 people representing…

New Teachers Need Practice. Most novice teachers benefit from some life experience beyond school, the University of New England says in a submission to the federal Government's teacher training inquiry.The UNE education school's learning and teaching team argues that the demands of teaching call for far more mature-age trainees. Older students, as well as school-leavers, would be quickly introduced to…

New Report Shows Subject Choice and Careers Advice Are Crucial. An Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) report released today has provided further evidence that high-quality careers advice in schools is crucial if young Australians are to make successful career and education decisions. The report, Pathways from School to Further Education or Work: Examining the Consequences of Year 12 Course…

Teacher Merit Pay Tied to Education Gains. Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts has a bold plan to improve public education in his state by offering merit pay tied to classroom performance. By MICHAEL JANOFSKY. [NYT > Education]
